Collection: Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt

Fellow Dutch painter, Jozef Israels said of Rembrandt that he was "the true type of artist, free, untrammeled by traditions." A painter, draftsman, and etcher, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (b1606-1669) is perhaps the most famous Dutch Master of all time, and truly an artist who created his own traditions. His paintings are rich with color, full brushstrokes, and a mastery of light. He was influenced by Italian artists and their use of chiaroscuro, especially Caravaggio, and their use of chiaroscuro, a technique for representing shadow and darkness. Rembrandt became renowned for his portraiture and landscapes, and in addition to his painting, he was a skilled etcher. His self-portraits, numbering over 50, tracked the progress of his life and work. Poor financial judgement led the successful artist to declare bankruptcy and auction off his estate, belongings, and home to repay debts.